Blyzniuk, ViktoriiaYuryk, YarynaTokar, LiudmilaNieliepova, AlyonaBezpalko, Olena2023-03-222023-03-222020Lifelong e-learning as a trend for labor market development / V. Blyzniuk, Y. Yuryk, L. Tokar, A. Nieliepova, O. Bezpalko // International Journal of Management. – 2020. – Vol. 11(06). – P. 385–394. paper reflects the importance of e-learning for the labor market. The essence of lifelong learning is determined too. The main differences between e-learning and learning in the classroom are shown. The paper also describes the importance of elearning while searching for a job and improving professional skills. Research on the use of e-learning in the labor market is conducted based on the results of global opensource statistics in 2020, including the materials about the e-learning process during the COVID-2019 quarantine. The main advantages of using e-learning techniques for employers, employees and the global economy are describedenlifelong learninge-learningнавчання впродовж життяелектронне навчаннякафедра економіки праці та менеджментуLifelong e-learning as a trend for labor market developmentArticle