Medvedev, NikolaiOleschenko, Lubov2014-12-172014-12-172013Medvedev, M. G. Information technology in the organization of long-distance bus passenger transportation / M. G. Medvedev, L. M. Oleschenko // Electronics and control systems. – 2013. – № 4 (38). – P. 94-97. article analyzes the problem of information support of rolling stock trucking companies Chernigov. One of the important problems of modern motor company is to develop theoretical and methodological approaches to improve the efficiency of passenger transport in the face of a changing demand for transport services. Currently passenger-transport system Chernihiv region has a number of problems caused by the lack of information support of all parts of the transport process. The authors found the optimal interval traffic intercity bus transportation, which also takes into account the economic interests of carriers and passengers.otherавтотранспортне підприємствопасажирські перевезенняінформаційні технологіїавтотранспортное предприятиеинформационные технологиипассажирские перевозкиmotor transport enterprisepassenger carriageinformation technologyкафедра вищої математики імені проф. Можара В. І.Information technology in the organization of long-distance bus passenger transportationArticle