Polumbryk, MaksimIshchenko, VeraPolumbryk, Oleg2015-03-032015-03-032014Polumbryk, M.Determination of trace elements (Cr, AI, Pb) by atomic absorption in natural water of Kyiv / M. Polumbryk, V. Ischenko, O. Polumbryk // Ukrainian Journal of Food Science. - 2014. – Vol. 2., Is. 1. – P. 65-72.https://dspace.nuft.edu.ua/handle/123456789/19617The control of microelements in water is a one of the most important factor of the humans health in urbanized cities. ETAAS method with chemical modifiers has been used in drinking water analysis.otherETAASmicroelementwaternaturedrinkingводамикроэлементприродапитимікроелементівкафедра екологічної безпеки та охорони працікафедра харчової хіміїDetermination of trace elements (Cr, AI, Pb) by atomic absorption in natural water of KyivArticle