Shumylo, OleksiyTymchuk, Alla2023-12-082023-12-082023Shumylo, O. The technology of selecting and applying food additives / O. Shumylo, A. Tymchuk // Problems and practical approaches to the production and regulation of the use of food additives in the European Union countries and in Ukraine : proceedings of the ІІnd International Scientific and Practical Conference, 25 October 2023. – Kyiv : NUFT, 2023. – Pp. 45-46 modern conditions, the use of various food additives is promising. All sectors of the food industry utilize a wide range of these substances and their compositions. Therefore, the study of issues related to the selection and application of food additives is relevant.enхарчові добавкиnutritional supplementsмолочні продуктиdairy productsтехнологіяtechnologyкафедра технології молока і молочних продуктівThe technology of selecting and applying food additivesThesis