Lukianets, Halyna2021-01-282021-01-282020Lukianets, H. Multiple semantics of black and white in online fashion discourse (based on Сhanel fashion stories) / H. Lukianets // The Scientific Heritage. – Hungary. – 2020. – № 43. – Vol. 5. – P. 35–38. article presents multiple semantics of color terms black and white in Chanel online fashion discourse, including wide range of meanings, namely colorless, monochromatic, dark vs light, contextual and gray shades. Connection between color terms semantics and creation of brand image is establishedencolor termsкольорові терміниcontextual meaningконтекстуальне значенняcolorlessбезбарвнийmonochrome referential meaningмонохромне посилальне значеннякафедра іноземних мов професійного спрямуванняMultiple semantics of black and white in online fashion discourse (based on Сhanel fashion stories)Article