Pirog, TatianaPanasiuk, CatherineAntoniuk, Nina2017-02-102017-02-102016Pirog, T. P. Impact of microbial Nocardia vaccinii IMB B-7405 surfactants on oil destruction in water / T. P. Pirog, E. V. Panasyuk, N. A. Antonyuk // J. Water Chem. Technol. – 2016. – Vol. 38, N 5. – P. 301−306.https://dspace.nuft.edu.ua/handle/123456789/24779The degree of oil degradation, as well as complex oil pollution with heavy metal in water in the presence of Nocardia vaccinii ІMV B-7405 biosurfactants was studied. The destruction of crude oil (2,6−6,0 g/l) in water) at 25−30 days after treatment with the post-fermentative culture liquid (5−10% v/v) containing biosurfactant was 76−94%.кафедра біотехнології і мікробіологіїoil destructionsurfactantsheavy metalsNocardia vaccinii IMB B-7405деструкція нафтиповерхнево-активні речовиниважкі металидеструкция нефтиповерхностно-активные веществатяжелые металлыImpact of microbial Nocardia vaccinii IMB B-7405 surfactants on oil destruction in waterArticle