Bebko, Svitlana2018-06-252018-06-252018Bebko, S. V. Conceptual pragmatics of phraseologisms with ethno-cultural element / S. V. Bebko // Modern Science. – Prague. – 2018. - Nr 3. – P. 9-14. article studies how the special, cultural meaning in pragmatics of phraseological units correlates with other levels of meaning, as in the form of phraseological units some cultural meanings are expressed. Special attention is dedicated to pragmatics of some ethno-cultural elements in phraseological units. There has been researched different approaches to classifying conceptual systems of phraseology.фразеологізметнокультурний елементконцептуальна системапрагматикафразеологіяфразеологизмэтнокультурный элементконцептуальная системафразеологияphraseologismethno-cultural elementconceptual systempragmaticsphraseologyкафедра ділової іноземної мови та міжнародної комунікаціїConceptual pragmatics of phraseologisms with ethno-cultural elementArticle