Vorobyova, AnastasiaPolyovyk, VolodymyrKoretska, Iryna2021-12-092021-12-092021Vorobyova, A. Development of the desserts based on non-traditional vegetable raw materials / A. Vorobyova, V. Polyovyk, I. Koretska // Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 2021. – № 4/3 (60). – P. 32–36.https://dspace.nuft.edu.ua/handle/123456789/36780Nowadays, the problem of healthy eating is acute. Most consumers prefer organic foods, dishes based on natural vegetables and fruits, and healthy nutrition. Thus, reducing calories content and increasing the nutritional value of sweet dishes is a promising area for the research. Therefore, the object of this study is the technology of whipped sweet «sambuk»-type dishes. To create the new desserts, non-traditional vegetable raw materials, namely physalis puree and banana puree, were chosen. Physico-chemical, mathematical, and dessert quality analysis methods were used in the study.encaloric content and benefits of sweet dishesphysalis puree,banana pureewhipped dessert technology,калорійність і користь солодких стравтехнологія збитого десертупюре фізаліспюре з бананівкафедра технології ресторанної і аюрведичної продукціїDevelopment of the desserts based on non-traditional vegetable raw materialsArticle