Oriabinska, LarisaStarovoitova, SvitlanaVasylyuk, SofiiaNovikov, VolodymyrLubenets, Vira2018-11-052018-11-052017https://dspace.nuft.edu.ua/handle/123456789/28448The problem of resistance of microorganisms to antibiotics stimulates the search for new chemotherapy drugs. Ethylthiosulfanilate (ET S, S-ethyl 4-amino-benzenesulfonothioate, S-ethyl ester of 4-aminobenzenethiosulfoacid) as a structural analog of a number of phytoncides was synthesized based on thiosulfoacid salts. ET S effect on opportunistic yeast fungi Candida tropicalis was studied. It was shown that ET S in subfungicidal concentration (125 μg/ml) affected some aspects of a constructive and energy metabolism of fungi: inhibited endogenous respiration and reduced the pool of nucleic acids. Additionaly the significant changes in lipogenesis of C. tropicalis were detected. It was established that ET S in fungistatic and subfungicidal concentrations possessed membranotropic effect and provided a high degree of cooperativity of structural transitions of membranes.enCandida tropicalisantimycotic actionethylthiosulfanilateкафедра біотехнології і мікробіологіїCandida tropicalisпротигрибкова діяетілтіосулфанілатCandida tropicalisпротивогрибковое действиеэтилтиосульфанилатEthylthiosulfanilate effect on Candida tropicalisArticle