Evtushenko, OlgaSiryk, AlinaPorodko, Petro2016-08-032016-08-032016Еvtushenko, O. Improvement of the research method of causual effect of industrial traumatism occurrence at food enterprises / О. Evtushenko, А. Siryc, Р. Porodko // 8th Central European Congress on Food, 23–26 May 2016. – NUFT, Kyiv, Ukraine. – 2016. – Р. 283.https://dspace.nuft.edu.ua/handle/123456789/23821The specificity of occupational safety is the fact that its state depends on many factors that are difficult to estimate using quantitative indicators at current level of science of occupational safety.enкафедра екологічної безпеки та охорони праціsafetyindustrial injurypreventionanalysisбезпекавиробничий травматизмпрофілактикааналізбезопасностьпроизводственный травматизмпрофилактикаанализImprovement of the research method of causual effect of industrial traumatism occurrence at food enterprisesArticle