Kostenko, Elizaveta2013-06-062013-06-062003Kostenko, E. Solid phase spectrophotometric determination of copper (II) using SPADNS / Е. Kostenko // Functional Materials. – 2003. – Vol. 10, № 4. - Р. 671-675.https://dspace.nuft.edu.ua/handle/123456789/8175The interaction of Cu (II) with SPADNS in the solid-phase was studied. The optimum conditions of the reaction and the composition of complex that is formed at the surface were found, and a scheme was proposed for the interaction at the phase boundary. A solid-phase spectrophotometric procedur was developed for determination of Cu (II).otherinterface spectrophotometric definition of the metal ionsimmobilized dyesanalysis of objectsтвердофазное спектрофотометрическое определение металловиммобилизованные красителианализ объектовтвердофазне-спектрофотометричне визначення металівіммобілізовані барвникианаліз об‘єктівкафедра харчової хіміїSolid phase spectrophotometric determination of copper (II) using SPADNSArticle