Oseiko, МykolaShevchyk, VasylRomanovska, Tetiana2018-11-222018-11-222017Oseiko, M. Functional products and preparations in the systemic concept of health / M. Oseiko, V. Shevchyk, T. Romanovska // Ukrainian Food Journal. - 2017. - Volume 6, Issue 4. - Р. 661-673.https://dspace.nuft.edu.ua/handle/123456789/28499In today's ecological, economic and social conditions, as before, the problem of health and healthy lifestyle is topical. After all, most people understand that products and preparations (biologically active additives) should not only be tasty, but functional and safe.In particular, in Japan, the European Union and the United States, especially in the context of public health, a healthy, creative and active lifestyle.кафедра технології жирів, хімічних технологій харчових добавок та косметичних засобівKTIOLproductspreparationssystemconcepthealthКТІОЛпродуктипрепаратисистемаконцепціяздоров'яKTИОЛпродуктыпрепаратыконцепцияздоровьеFunctional products and preparations in the systemic concept of healthArticle