Chemakina, OktyabrinaSvirko, VladimirKuzmin, OlegKuzmin, Anton2019-11-252019-11-252019Competitive advantages of the visual information system of transport centers / O. Chemakina, V. Svirko, O. Kuzmin, A. Kuzmin // Conceptual aspects management of competitiveness the economic entities : collective monograph. – Higher School of Social and Economic. – Przeworsk : WSSG, 2019. – Vol. 2. – P. 126–135. basic principles of modeling the system of visual information in transport centers are considered.envisual information systemtransport centersсистема візуальної інформаціїтранспортні центрикафедра технології ресторанної і аюрведичної продукціїCompetitive advantages of the visual information system of transport centersArticle