Skrypko, AnhelinaObolkina, VeraYemelyanova, NinaKyianytsia, Svetlana2013-12-102013-12-102013Batter biscuits on the basis of oat malt with high biological value / A. Skrypko, S. Kyianytsia, V. Obolkyna, N. Yemelianova // The XXIV nternational Colloquium of Institute CEDIMES, Kyiv (Ukraine) : book of Abstracts, 28 October – 3 November 2013 . — K.: NUFT, 2013. — P. 22. technology butter cookie with a high content of essential amino acids, macro-and micronutrients and other bioactive components. Adding malt flour contribute to the accumulation of maltose and glucose through hydrolysis of starch under the action of amylolytic enzymes, which can reduce the sugar content in pastry products.enwheat flourmalt flourunfermented flour with oat maltoat mealборошно пшеничнесолодове борошноборошно з неферментованого вівсяного солодувівсяне борошнокафедра технології хлібопекарських і кондитерських виробівBatter biscuits on the basis of oat malt with high biological valueThesis