Ishchenko, VeraPolumbryk, OlegPanchuk, Tamara2013-10-112013-10-112013Ischenko, V. Developing methodology for atomic absorption determination of metallic elements in natural water / V. Ischenko, O. Polumbryk, T. Panchuk // Congrress of Food. - 2013. - P. 125., we explore how macro component composition of natural waters impact atomization of chromium (Cr III, VI), lead (Pb) and aliminium (Al).It's been shown that the ascorbic acidis the optimal chemical modifier for electro ther mal determination of aluminiu mandlead, as wellas potassium chlorideis the one for chromium. Metrological characteristics of theme thodology have been tested on both models olutions and reals amples of natural and drinking waters.otheratomic-absorptionchemical modifiersnatural watersатомна абсорбціяприродні водихімічні модифікаториатомная абсорбцияхимические модификаторыприродные водыкафедра харчової хіміїDeveloping methodology for atomic absorption determination of metallic elements in natural waterThesis