Kryzhova (Vengliyk), Julia2013-08-062013-08-062013Kryzhova, Yu. Enrichment of meat products by iodine through the use of seaweed / Yu. Kryzhova // The Second North and East European Congress on Food, Kyiv, May 26-29, 2013. – Kyiv : NUFT, 2013. – Р. 200. were developed meat products including burgers, meatballs, rissoles, dumplings, sausages for grilling, which had various heat treatment in order to study the iodine and selenium in finished products and their receipt to the body when consumed products.otherковбаски для гриляводоростімікроелементитермічна обробкаколбаски для гриляводорослимикроэлементытермическая обработкаsemi sausages for grillingseaweedtrace elementsheat treatmentкафедра технології м’яса і м’ясних продуктівEnrichment of meat products by iodine through the use of seaweedThesis