Khareba, OleksandrKuzmin, OlegKhareba, OlenaMarynchenko, ViktorKarputina, MargaritaKoretska, Iryna2021-12-092021-12-092021Antioxidant characteristics of non-traditional spicy-aromatic vegetable raw materials for restaurant technology / O. Khareba, O. Kuzmin, O. Khareba, V. Marynchenko, M. Karputina, I. Koretska // Ukrainian Food Journal. – 2021. – Vol. 10, Issue 2. – Р. 301–320. aim of the study is to determine the antioxidant capacity of spicy-aromatic plant raw materials, unconventional for the technology of the restaurant industry. The antioxidant capacity of spicy-aromatic plant raw materials was determined by the method of redoxmetry and pH-metry of aqueous-alcoholic infusions; sensory indicators - according to the expert method; the results of mathematical and statistical processing - according to the Pearson linear correlation method.enпряно-ароматичнийрослинна сировинаантиоксидантокисновідновний потенціалресторанні технологіїspicy-aromaticб vegetableаntioxidantredoxrestaurantкафедра технології ресторанної і аюрведичної продукціїAntioxidant characteristics of non-traditional spicy-aromatic vegetable raw materials for restaurant technologyArticle