Pankov, DmitryKyshenko, Vasil2018-10-112018-10-112017Pankov, D. Multicriteria optimization of technological processes for dough preparation in bread production / D. Pankov, V. Kyshenko // Topical problems of modern science : proceedings of the International Scientific Conference. - Warsaw, Poland, 2017. – № 4. – P. 3-7 article is devoted to the study of the automated intellectual subsystem of the decision making support at bread production on the basis of the product quality optimization with the use of vector optimization of the main technological processes of bread production: the sponge and dough preparation. The intellectual system for bread production processes management based on the principles of multicriteria optimization has been developed with the use of the knowledge acquireden-USbread productionmulticriteria optimizationdough preparationmathematical modeвиробництво хлібабагатокритеріальна оптимізаціяпідготовка тістаматематична моделькафедра автоматизації та комп'ютерних технологій систем управління ім. проф. А.П. ЛаданюкаНаціональний університет харчових технологійMulticriteria optimization of technological processes for dough preparation in bread productionThesis