Lugovska, OksanaSidor, Vasyl2019-06-102019-06-102019Lugovska, O. Creation of standardized, innovative drinks of therapeutic and prophylactic action with the addition of pectin / O. Lugovska, V. Sidor // Youth scientific achievements to the 21st century nutrition problem solution : 85Anniversary International scientific conference of young scientist and students, dedicated to the 135th anniversary of the National University of Food Technologies, April 11–12, 2019. - Part 1. – P. 118 beverage industry is demonstrating a constant increase in production, the appearance of new products on the market. In the assortment of soft drinks of therapeutic and prophylactic action, more attention is paid to beverages enriched with pectin substances.enкафедра експертизи харчових продуктівinnovative drinkspectinpectin substancesпектинпектинові речовиниінноваційні напоїCreation of standardized, innovative drinks of therapeutic and prophylactic action with the addition of pectinThesis