Melnyk, LyudmilaSheiko, Tamila2013-05-222013-05-222010Melnik, L. Utilization of shungite forimproving quality and safety of juices / L. Melnik, T. Sheiko // Carbon 2010 : The Annual Word Conference on Carbon, 11-16.07.2010, Clemson University, Soute Carolina, USA. - 2010. - P. 145. that shungite has effective adsorption properties relative to nitrate ions from beet juice. Shungit also absorbs ammonium ions in drinking water. An illustration of the mechanism of adsorption processes in the "solid - liquid".othernitrate ionsammonia nitrogenshungiteнітрат-іониамонійний азотшунгітнитрат-ионыаммонийный азотшунгиткафедра процесів і апаратів харчових виробництвUtilization of shungite forimproving quality and safety of juicesThesis