Shutyuk, VitaliyBessarab, AlexanderVasylenko, Sergei2014-07-152014-07-152014Shutyuk, V. Ways of reducing nitrogen oxides in the drying agent to Improve beet pulp quality / V. Shutyuk, O. Bessarab, S. Vasylenko // Journal of Food and Packaging Science, Technique and Technologies. - Plovdiv, 2014. - V. 2., № 4. – P. 181–185. article deals with the analysis of nitrogen oxides NOx formation in the agent for beet pulp during combustion process of various fuels. Various methods of reducing the nitrogen oxides concentration, formed in the fuel combustion conditions at high temperatures, are given. It is established that the output of nitrogen oxides during gas combustion is mainly determined by the maximum temperature of the combustion products and their rate of cooling. It is shown that the nitrogen oxides toxicity determines the overall level of toxicity of combustion products of coal and fuel oil on 40...60 % and 92…98 % of natural gas. Radical method to eliminate NOx is a noncontact method of preparation of the drying agent.enbeet pulpdrying agentcombustionheat-generatornitrogen oxidesбуряковий жомсушильний агентгоріннятеплогенератороксиди азотусвекловичный жомсушильный агентгорениетеплогенератороксиды азотакафедра теплоенергетики та холодильної технікикафедра технології консервуванняWays of reducing nitrogen oxides in the drying agent to Improve beet pulp qualityArticle