Lugovska, OksanaSidor, Vasyl2014-09-232014-09-232014Lugovska, O. Effect stabilizers of emulsions on their quality and safety / O. Lugovska, V. Sidor // Advanced research and development – 2014 : X international scientific-practical conference. – PublishingHouse “EducationandScience”. foods, especially beverages that are made using emulsions containing 1–1000 nm particle size and treated as objects of classical colloid chemistry. Of great importance for the stability of these products is the size of the particles. In the case where known information about the particle size emulsion, then you can control their stability and quality.drinksstabilizersqualitysafetyemulsionsнапоїстабілізаториякістьбезпекаемульсіїнапиткикачествостабилизаторыбезопасностьэмульсиикафедра експертизи харчових продуктівEffect stabilizers of emulsions on their quality and safety