Kraevska, SvitlanaStetsenko, NataliaKorol, Oksana2018-04-182018-04-182017Kraievska, S. Comparingbetween the amino acid composition of flax seeds before and after germination / S. Kraievska, N. Stetsenko, O. Korol // Agrobiodiversity for Improving Nutrition, Health and Life Quality 2017. – №1. – 2017. – Р. 253-257. is emerging as one of the key sources of phytochemicals in the functional food arena. In addition to being one of the richest sources of a-linolenic acid oil and lignans, flaxseed is an essential source of high-quality protein and soluble fibre. This study aimed to evaluate the amino acids changes caused by germination. The effectiveness of the use of protein by the body is determined by two parameters: its balance on the content of essential amino acids and the digestible (dietary) indispensable amino acid score. We used DIAAS for protein quality evaluation in flaxseed and germination flaxseed.enflaxseedgerminationamino acidssproutsDIAASнасіння льонупророщуванняамінокислотипагониDIAASсемена льнапроращиваниеаминокислотыпроросткиDIAASкафедра технології оздоровчих продуктівComparingbetween the amino acid composition of flax seeds before and after germinationArticle