Shtokalo, MiroslavaKostenko, Elizaveta2013-07-032013-07-031992Shtokalo, M. I. Extraction-sorption concentrating and next photometric definition of some biologically active compounds / M. I. Shtokalo, E. E. Коstenko // International Conf. «ISECOS-92», 22–25 september 1992. – Voronezh, 1992. – Vol. 2. – P. 179–180. conditions of the immobilization dyes at the surface КУ-28 were found. The interaction of organic materials with the surface reagents was studied. The optimum conditions of the reactions, quantitative characteristics of the composition and the surface compounds stability; the effective dates of the modified sorbents have been obtained. A new solid-phase spectrophotometric procedures was developed for determination of the organic materials organic materials in the objects.otherтвердофазное спектрофотометрическое определениеанализ объектовиммобилизованные красителианаліз об‘єктівтвердофазне-спектрофотометричне визначенняіммобілізовані барвникиimmobilized dyesanalysis of objectsinterface spectrophotometric definitionкафедра харчової хіміїExtraction-sorption concentrating and next photometric definition of some biologically active compoundsOther