Usatyuk, SvitlanaPelekhova, Lyubov2015-02-092015-02-092014Usatiuk, Svitlana. Chlorophyll content and antioxidant activity of sunflower oil with aromatic raw materials / Svitlana Usatiuk, Liubov Pelekhova // Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering . – 2014. – Volume XIII, Issue 4. – P. 317 – 320. article presents the results of the study on chlorophyll content and antioxidant activity of sunflower oil with aromatic raw materials. Dried parsley and basil were used as aromatic raw materials. Dried basil and parsley were in the amount of 2 to 10 %. The chlorophyll content was quantified by the photometric method. Determination of the AOA was carried out by the Flourescence Recovery after Photobleaching (FRAP) method.enchlorophyll contentвміст хлорофілуantioxidant activityантиоксидантна активністьaromatic raw materialsпряно-ароматична сировинаbasilбазилікparsleyпетрушкаsunflower oilсоняшникова оліякафедра експертизи харчових продуктівChlorophyll content and antioxidant activity of sunflower oil with aromatic raw materialsArticle