Simahina, GalinaNaumenko, Nataliia2014-06-182014-06-182014Simakhina, G. Estimation the quality of wild plant raw for production of healthy food / G. Simakhina, N. Naumenko // The Advanced Science Journal. – 2014. – Іssue 2. – P. 66–69. article presents the results of experimental researches of biologically active components in aronia berry (one of the most wide-spread representative of wild plant raw) and the estimation of the influence of separate biologically active substances contained in it on the normal functioning of a live organism.otheraroniabiologically active substancespolyphenolenriching of foodstuffsароніябіологічно активні речовиниполіфенолизбагачення харчових продуктіварониябиологически активные веществаполифенолыобогащение пищевых продуктовкафедра гуманітарних дисциплінкафедра технології оздоровчих продуктівEstimation the quality of wild plant raw for production of healthy foodArticle