Samsonov, ValeriyKhlobystova, OlgaMazurenko, OlgaTaran, Andrii2014-10-172014-10-172014The operational reliability of complex energy facilities / Valerii Samsonov, Olga Hlobystova, Olga Mazurenko, Andrii Taran // Ukrainian Food Journal . - 2013. - Vol. 2, Is. 4. – Р. 575-580. most effective methods to keep working of complex technical facilities, independently of the presence of these defects, are of technical diagnostics and forecasting.Materials and methods. It was used diagnosis and prediction model, based on statistical data and analytical processes of change dependency properties of concrete materials. It was definited individual reliability indices based on technical parameters for each of them.otherdiagnosisprognosisturbinegeneratorcompressordefectдіагноcтикатурбінакомпресордиагноcтикапрогнозтурбинагенераторкомпрессордефекткафедра інформаційних технологій, штучного інтелекту і кібербезпекиThe operational reliability of complex energy facilitiesArticle