Dorohovich, VictoriyaLazorenko, NataliaMykhailova, Nelia2013-09-182013-09-182013Dorohovich, V. Confectionery technology for patients with diabetes and celiac disease / V. Dorohovich, N. lazorenko, N. Mykhailova // NEEFOOD-2013 KYIV, May 26-29, 2013, NUFT, Kyiv, Ukraine. – 2013. - P. 264. Celiac disease is a chronic, systematic disease characterized by mucosa damage of the small intestine by gluten, which is a component of the wheat, rye and oats gluten complex. Celiac disease is often accompanied by diabetes. At the National University of Food Technologies it is conducted the research aimed at the development of pastry (cakes, muffins, biscuits) for patients with diabetes and celiac disease.otherbiscuitsceliac diseasediabetesmuffinscakesпечивоцеліакіядіабеткекситістечкапеченьецелиакиядиабеткексыпирожныекафедра іноземних мов професійного спрямуваннякафедра технології харчування та ресторанного бізнесукафедра технології хлібопекарських і кондитерських виробівConfectionery technology for patients with diabetes and celiac disease