Lugovska, OksanaSidor, Vasyl2015-04-272015-04-272014Lugovska, O. Influence ratio of water and oil phases of emulsions with starch on viscosity, density, particle size and muddy turbidity of system / O. Lugovska, V. Sidor // Ukrainian Journal of Food Science. – 2014. – Vol. 2, Issue 2. – P. 229-235. the study were prepared 5 samples of food emulsions with varying amounts of oil phase and a constant amount of stabilizer (starch) and 5 samples of food emulsions using different amounts of starch at a constant amount of oil phase.starchemulsionsturbidityviscositydensityparticle sizeкрохмальемульсіїкаламутністьв'язкістьщільністьрозмір частоккрахмалэмульсиимутностьвязкостьплотностьразмер частицкафедра експертизи харчових продуктівInfluence ratio of water and oil phases of emulsions with starch on viscosity, density, particle size and muddy turbidity of system