Simahina, GalinaKaminska (Halapsina), Svitlana2019-05-222019-05-222013Simakhina, G. Mechanism of water crystallization and ice melting in wild berries / Galyna Simakhina, Svitlana Khalapsina // The Advanced Science. – 2013. – Is. 4. - P. 12-16 fast freezing of fruit and berries and their further storage in frozen state is one of the best ways to keep the quality and the utile properties of initial raw. Freezing will help protect the harvest and process it in longer terms, reduce the seasonality in procession of fruit and berries, because frozen raw materials can be used in production of preserved foodstuffs. We conducted the research with a help of differential scanning calorimetric method that would give a great deal of information about both the state of water inside the cells and the correlation between free and constrained water in researched materials. The received data allowed us defining the temperature intervals for the most efficient freezing of different raw materials from the viewpoint of maximal storage of all the precious biologically active components in raw and keeping the fruit and berries undamaged.en-USкафедра технології оздоровчих продуктівдикорослі ягодизаморожуваннякристалоутвореннябрусницядикорастущие ягодызамораживаниекристаллообразованиебрусникаwild berriesfreezingwater crystallizationcowberriesMechanism of water crystallization and ice melting in wild berriesArticle