Melnyk, LyudmilaMelnyk, Zinoviy2013-12-232013-12-232013Melnik, L. Recovering adsorptive properties of schungite after processing red beet juice / L. Melnik, Z. Melnik // 5th International Conference on Carbons for Energy Storage / Conversion and Environment Protection, 23-26.09.2013. – Germany: Mulheim an der Ruhr, 2013. - P. 38. producing food dye from red beet juice part of impurities, especially pectin substances, is adsorbed by the carbon adsorbent - shungite, containing fullerenes and fullerene nanotubes. During adsorption of red beet juice, surface and pores of shungite are filled with impurities, resulting in decrease of its adsorptive properties.The purpose of the present studies was to select an effective method for regeneration of adsorbent and to establish rational technological parameters of this process.When choosing a method of regeneration, the authors of this paper were motivated by economic feasibility and took into account the availability of necessary equipment at canning factories.otherbeet juiceadsorptionregenerationshungiteсік столового бурякаадсорбціярегенераціяшунгітсок столовой свеклыадсорбциярегенерацияшунгиткафедра процесів і апаратів харчових виробництвкафедра теплоенергетики та холодильної технікиRecovering adsorptive properties of schungite after processing red beet juiceOther