Rashevska, Tamara2013-07-042013-07-042000Rashevska, T. Formation of a cellular crystal submicrostructure in butter witn admixtures / T. Rashevska // MRS Spring Meeting. Book of Abstracts. - San Francisco, USA, 2000. - P. 127.https://dspace.nuft.edu.ua/handle/123456789/8905A cellular crystal structure was found to be formed in the butter on the fat globules surface as well as in the interglobulesphere.enbuttercellular crystal structureelectron microscopicвершкове маслоячеїста кристалічна структураелектронна мікроскопіясливочное маслоячеистая кристаллическая структураэлектронная микроскопиякафедра технології молока і молочних продуктівFormation of a cellular crystal submicrostructure in butter witn admixturesThesis