Lugovska, OksanaSidor, VasylOkopna, Yana2015-06-192015-06-192013Lugovska, O. Stability studies of inulin and olihofruktozy drinks / O. Lugovska, V. Sidor, Y. Okopna // Ukrainian food journal. – 2013. – Vol. 3, Is. 2. – P. 169-174. and oligofructose are high quality ingredients for the production of dietetic foods. Inulin and oligofructose can be used as a pure dietary ingredients to create functional foods with different stated properties, and as ingredients that improve the taste and texture and allows replacement of sugar and fat. The best results are obtained with a combination of dietary and technological concepts, which enables the development of high quality innovative food products.otherinulintemperaturebeveragehydrolysisнапитокгидролизинулинтемпературанапійгідролізінулінкафедра іноземних мов професійного спрямуваннякафедра експертизи харчових продуктівStability studies of inulin and olihofruktozy drinksArticle