Yurchak, VeraKarpyk, Galina2014-03-052014-03-052013Yurchak, V. Usage of whole wheat flour and bran for making macaroni products / V. Yurchak, G. Karpyk // The Second North and east Еuropean congress on Food NEE food-2013 : book of abstracts, may 26 - 29, 2013. – Kyiv : NUFT, 2013. – Р. 199.https://dspace.nuft.edu.ua/handle/123456789/12924There was also investigated the content of food fibers in the whole wheat flour and in wheat siftings, and also their quantity in the macaroni pastry under the investigation was calculated. They checked the influence of the whole wheat flour and the siftings onto the products quality. It was discovered that the usage of the whole wheat flour and the siftings promotes the increase of food fibers content in macaroni products and provides for their accepted quality according to organoleptic and physical-chemical indicators.enmacaroni productswhole wheat flourdietary fiberwheat branмакаронні виробицільнозернове борошнохарчові волокнапшеничні висівкимакаронные изделияцельносмолотая мукапищевые волокнапшеничные отрубикафедра технології хлібопекарських і кондитерських виробівUsage of whole wheat flour and bran for making macaroni productsThesis