Evtushenko, OlgaKlepikov, IgorLitvinenko, Anatoly2013-07-082013-07-082013Evtushenko, О. Status of work accidents in food industry of Ukraine / О. Evtushenko, І. Klepikov, A. Litvinenko // The second north and east european congress on food, May 26-29, 2013. – NUFT, Kyiv, Ukraine. – 2013. – Р. 114.https://dspace.nuft.edu.ua/handle/123456789/8978We show the results of occupational injury dynamic research in Food Industry of Ukraine from 2003 to 2011. Distribution for male and female injured employees on enterprises of Food Industry was performed. Indexes of injury rate and heaviness were calculated. And finally, distribution of accidents for main reasons, sorts of events, profession group, age, work experience was performed.othersafety and health at workproduction traumatismaccidentreasons of traumatismtypes of eventsбезопасность трудапроизводственный травматизмнесчастный случайпричины травматизмавиды событийбезпека працівиробничий травматизмнещасний випадокпричини травматизмувиди подійкафедра екологічної безпеки та охорони праціStatus of work accidents in food industryArticle