Artyukh, Tatiana2013-01-292013-01-292008Artyukh, T. Theoretical statutes in relation to expert evaluation of commodities / T. Artyukh // Achieving Com-modity & Service Excellence in the Age of Digital Converge-nce, Suwon, Korea. - 2008. – P. 502-505. thesis researches the problem of the development of theoretical and methodological fundamentals of the commodity examination of jewellery valuables, in particular, conceptual apparatus, principles and methods. The analysis of specialized and departmental examination was done, their difference from commodity examination was shown.othercommodity examination of jewelleryоцінюванняоцениваниеparticularconceptual apparatusprinciples and methodsоцінкаекспертизарегламентідентифікаціяфальсифікаціяпоказники якостібезпечністьвиди фальсифікаційоценкаэкспертизаидентификацияфальсификацияпоказатели качествабезопасностьвиды фальсификацийкафедра експертизи харчових продуктівTheoretical statutes in relation to expert evaluation of commoditiesArticle