Skryhun, NatalyaMaksymova, YelizavetaBoyko, Irina2020-02-072020-02-072019Skrygun, N. Theoretical aspects of empirical research consumption of goods – the effect of emotions on the attitude to brand products / N. Skrygun, Y. Maksymova, І. Boyko // News of science and education. – Sheffield. Science and education LTD, 2019. – №3 (64). – Р. 3-8. theoretical features of empirical research, the emotional attitude to the products of the brand and the importance of past consumption experience for the marketing of the enterprise are considered. The main elements and values of the marketing impact of empirical research on the consumer, as well as their research methods, are highlighted.enmarketingconsumptionemotionempirical aspectsgoodsempirical research methodsbrand productsмаркетингспоживанняемоціїемпіричні аспектитовариметоди емпіричних дослідженьбренд товарівкафедра маркетингукафедра економіки праці та менеджментуTheoretical aspects of empirical research consumption of goods – the effect of emotions on the attitude to brandArticle