Panchuk, MyroslavKryshtopa, SviatoslavShlapak, LiubomyrKryshtopa, LiudmylaPanchuk, AndriiYaroviy, VolodymyrSladkowwski, Aleksander2018-02-062018-02-062017Main trends of biofuels production in Ukraine / M. Panchuk, S. Kryshtopa, L. Shlapak, L. Kryshtopa, A. Panchuk, V. Yarovyi, A. Sładkowski // Transport problems. – 2017. – V. 12, № 4. – P. 15-26. analysis of biological resources for biofuels production in Ukraine hasbeen carried out, and it has been shown that usage of alternative energy sources has great potential for substantially improving energy supply of the state and solving environmental problems. The directions of development and new technologies of obtaining motor fuels from biomass are systematized. It has been established that usage of different types of biofuels and their mixtures for feeding internal combustion engines involves application of modified engines in terms of structure and algorithms and usage of traditional designs of cars without significant structural changes. Moreover, the impact of biofuels on the efficient operation of the engine requires further integrated research.enalternative fuelbiofuelbiodieselbiogasальтернативне паливобіопаливобіодизельбіогазкафедра технологічного обладнання та комп’ютерних технологій проектуванняMain trends of biofuels production in UkraineArticle