Volkov, A.Litvynchuk (Vorontsova), SvitlanaKovaleva, Svetlana2017-09-142017-09-142017Volkov, A. Determination of raw meat freshness by the express method of n ear-IR spectroscopy / A. Volkov, S. Litvinchuk, S. Kovaleva // Youth scientific achievem ents to the 21st century nutrition problem solution : 83 International scientific conference o f young scientist and students, April 5-6, 2017. - Part 2. - Kyiv :NUFT, 2017. - P. 53https://dspace.nuft.edu.ua/handle/123456789/25874When raw meat is stored for a long time, many biochemical processes take place inside. As result, new substances, that not typical for fresh meat, are formed. Present of these compounds may be identified by near-IR spectroscopy. If the spectrograph is pre-calibrated, the express method of non­destructive near-IR spectroscopy can be used for objective estimate o f degree o f meat freshness. The use of this method allows to avoid errors in estimation that typical for organoleptic methods.enкафедра харчової хіміїкафедра фізикиnon-destructive IR spectroscopyraw meatfreshnessнеруйнівна ІЧ спектроскопіясире м’ясосвіжістьнеразрушающая ИК спектроскопиясырое мясосвежестьDetermination of raw meat freshness by the express method of n ear-IR spectroscopyThesis