Starovoitova, Svitlana2018-10-262018-10-262018Starovoitova, S. Human microbiota under stress / S. Starovoitova// Матеріали міжнародної науково-практичної конференції «Universum View 2».– Вінниця: ТОВ «Нілан-ЛТД», 2018. – C. 17 – 20. and psychological stress affects not only the immune system, but also hormonal and digestive homeostasis. Immune and neuroendocrine systems provide integrated responses to environmental signals, and the relationship between stress and immune function in many contexts, including a proliferative response to mitogens and cellular activity, has been demonstrated. Stress can lead to an imbalance between pro-and anti-inflammatory cytokines or uncontrolled production of cytokines. Dysregulation of congenital and adaptive intestinal immune responses directed against bacterial flora, including the destruction of oral tolerance to environmental antigens and commensals, are involved in several pathogenetic mechanisms. The integrity of intestinal microbiota can be influenced by some external factors, including the use of antibiotics, radiation, changes in the GIT, changes in the diet, psychological and physical stress. Psychological stress can directly affect the composition of the microflora, in particular with a noticeable decrease in lactic acid bacteria. GIT changes caused by stress factors make the conditions of the intestinal medium less favorable for survival, adhesion and replication of lactic acid bacteria.enmicrobiotastressprobioticsмікробіотастреспробіотикикафедра біотехнології і мікробіологіїHuman microbiota under stressThesis