Samiilenko, SerhiiVasylenko, SergeiShutyuk, Vitaliy2013-07-252013-07-252013Samiylenko, S. Analysis of the energy efficiency of heat exchangers of sugar Industry / S. Samiylenko, S. Vasylenko, V. Shutyuk // Book of abstracts Congress NEEood-2013. – K.: NUFT. - P. 161. article describes thermodynamic methods as well as optimization methods of heating and heat exchanging engineering system of sugar industry. The authors suggest noncyclic approach to the analysis of efficiency of heat exchanging apparatus, the basis of which is irrefutable fact that irreversibility as physical reason of inefficiency of technical heat engineering systems really exists.enfoodthermodynamicsheat exchangeprocessentropyexergyхарчові продуктитермодинамікатеплообмінпроцесентропіяексергіякафедра теплоенергетики та холодильної технікикафедра технології консервуванняAnalysis of the energy efficiency of heat exchangers of sugar IndustryThesis