Lugovska, OksanaSidor, Vasyl2016-05-122016-05-122016Lugovska, O. Mathematical modeling of preparation of emulsions such as "oil / water" / Oksana Lugovska, Vasilij Sidor // Journal Food and Environment Safety of the Suceava University Food Engineering. – 2016. – V. XV, Is. 1. – Р. 71-75. studies on the effect of the number of emulsifiers in emulsion characteristics obtained showed that changing the fate of particle distribution depending on the particle size emulsion close to Gaussian distribution.Constructed one factor models the size distribution of particles of starch and gum arabic stabilizer in emulsions.кафедра експертизи харчових продуктівemulsionphasestarchgum Arabicmathematical modelingматематичне моделюванняетапикрохмальемульсіїгуміарабікматематическое моделированиеэмульсииэтапыкрахмалгуммиарабикMathematical modeling of preparation of emulsions such as "oil / water"Article