Klymash, Nataliia2021-07-022021-07-022020-01-03Klymash, N. Central bank digital currencies (CBDC): economic purpose and implementation remarks / N. Klymash // Ukraine, Bulgaria, EU: economic, technical, and social development trends : material IV International Scientific and Practical Conference, 27 June – 3 July 2020, Burgas, Bulgaria. – Avangard Prima. – 2020. - Р. 89-92.978-619-239-429-5https://dspace.nuft.edu.ua/handle/123456789/34714Modern economic relations in society require a rethinking of the role of money as a means of payment and savings. Given the speed of trading, the ability to make transactions 27/7, the development of buying goods through online stores, the exchange of products not only within one country but across continents, the role of digital currencies is becoming more critical.enpaymentcentral bankdigital currenciesплатіжцифрова валютацентральний банккафедра фінансівCentral bank digital currencies (CBDC): economic purpose and implementation remarksThesis