Semenova, AnastasiaPrikhodko, JuliaDrobot, Vira2017-01-172017-01-172016Semenova, A. Gluten-free bakery products / A. Semenova, Ju. Prikhodko, V. Drobot // 8th Central European Congress on Food 2016 — Food Science for Well-being (CEFood 2016), 23-26 May 2016 р. : Book of Abstracts. – Kyiv : NUFT, 2016. – P. 146. abstracts deals with the types of gluten-related disorders and the necessity of creating gluten-free baked goods. An experience of modern manufacturing products for special purposes is considered. In order to improve consumer properties of products it is offered to use multicomponent mixture compositions.engluten-related disordersgluten-free breadtransglutaminasegluten-free flourdry proteinглютензалежні захворюваннябезглютеновий хлібтрансглутаміназабезглютенове борошносухий білоккафедра технології хлібопекарських і кондитерських виробівглютензависимые заболеваниябезглютеновый хлебтрансглутаминазабезглютеновая мукасухой белокGluten-free bakery productsThesis