Hutsalo, InnaMank, ValeriyKovaleva, Svetlana2017-09-142017-09-142017Hutsalo, I. Determination of oleic acid in the samples of sunflower seeds by method of NIR spectroscopy / I. Hutsalo, V. Mank, S. Kovaleva // Ukrainian Food Journal. - 2017. - Volume 6. Issue 1. - P. 38-45. samples of various sunflower varieties with a known content of oleic acid and the same samples additionally enriched with oleic acid were investigated by NIR diffusion reflectance spectroscopy. This non-destructive NIRS method could simplify the analysis of qualitative components, because of the low level of light absorption in this spectral region. The express method of diffuse reflectance NIR spectroscopy can be considered as an alternative method for determining the quality of fat-containing materials in the processes o f their storage, sorting or processing.enкафедра технології жирів, хімічних технологій харчових добавок та косметичних засобівкафедра харчової хіміїspectroscopyoleic acidsunflowerseedспектроскопіяолеїнова кислотасоняшникнасінняспектроскопияолеиновая кислотаподсолнечниксеменакафедра фізикиDetermination of oleic acid in the samples of sunflower seeds by method of NIR spectroscopyArticle