Stukalska (Ivanova), NataliiaKuzmin, OlegKoretska, IrynaPolyovyk, VolodymyrHrushevska, Iryna2021-12-092021-12-092021Scientific substantiation and development of technology of bechamel sauce of the increased nutritional value / N. Stukalska, O. Kuzmin, I. Koretska, V. Polovyk, I Hrushevska // Technical research and development : collective monograph. – Boston : PrimediaeLaunch, 2021. – P. 222–229. paper discusses the nutritional composition of sauces, analyzes traditional recipes, possible ingredients to improve the nutritional composition of Bechamel sauce.otherorganolepticsaucenutritionорганолептикасоуснутрієнтикафедра технології ресторанної і аюрведичної продукціїScientific substantiation and development of technology of bechamel sauce of the increased nutritional valueArticle