Luchian, MihaelaStefanov, StefanLitovchenko, IgorMihaylov, IvanHadzhіyskі, Vіlhelm2013-07-102013-07-102012Modeling of mixing bread dough process using computational techniques / M. Luchian, S. Stefanov, I. Litovchenko, I. Michailov, W. Hadgijski // Modern Technologies, in the Food Industry-2012, 1-3 November, 2012, Chişinău (Republic of Moldova). - 2012. - Volume I. - Р. 123-128. is a crucial operation in the bakery industry. The bread dough is a very complex material, considered viscoelastic whose behavior depends on moisture content and temperature. This article aim is to develop advanced technology for modeling bread dough mixing, in order to provide a predictive capability of optimum design parameters of dough mixers using computational techniques.otherзмішуваннятістомоделюванняflow visionmixingbread doughmodelingsimulationкафедра машин і апаратів харчових та фармацевтичних виробництвModeling of mixing bread dough process using computational techniques