Govorushko, TamaraEsh, Svetlana2014-08-112014-08-112014Govorushko, T. The essence and role of financial intermediation in development of Ukrainian economy / T. Govorushko, S. Esh // Modern Science – Moderni veda : the East European Center of Fundamental Researches .–– Cheshskaya Respublika: Praha, 2014 – № 1. - P. 5 – 12. article analyzes the essence of financial intermediation, problems and perspectives of development thereof in Ukraine; estimates the models of financial intermediation applied in international practice and studies theoretical issues thereof at Ukrainian market of services.otherauxiliary intermediationnon-bank intermediariesfinancial intermediationbasic intermediationдопоміжне посередництвонебанківське посередництвофінансове посередництвомоделі посередництвавспомогательное посредничествонебанковское посредничествофинансовое посредничествомодели посредничествакафедра фінансівThe essence and role of financial intermediation in development of Ukrainian economyArticle