Ganchuk, VictoriaKostenko, ElizavetaButenko, Olena2013-07-222013-07-222013Ganchuk, V. Monitoring for nitrates in vegetables and potable water / V. Ganchuk, E. Kostenko, O. Butenko // Тhe second North and East European congress on food, 27-29 May 2013.: аbstr. – Kyiv, 2013. – P. 145. Presented results of the determination nitrate in vegetable and fruit, which have grown in 2009 different producers. The question of the influence of the weather conditions is Discussed on contents nitrate in vegetable product. Recommendations are Given on reduction amount nitrate in vegetable and fruit of the product.otherfood objectspotenciometric analysision-sеlеction electrodesnitratesхарчові об‘єктиіон-селективні електродипотенціометричний аналізнітратипищевые объектыион-селективные электродыпотенциометрический анализнитратыкафедра харчової хіміїMonitoring for nitrates in vegetables and potable waterOther