Yurchak, VeraKarpyk, GalinaYukalo, Volodymyr2014-06-162014-06-162013Yurchak, V. Effect of dough making parameters on the quality of pasta enriched with bran dietary fibers / V. Yurchak, G. Karpyk, V. Yukalo // Food chemistry and technology. – Kaunas: FIRUT. – 2013. – T. 47, № 2. – Р. 41–47.https://dspace.nuft.edu.ua/handle/123456789/15201Organoleptic and cooking properties of pasta, also its physical and chemical quality factors have been determined. It has been established herewith that adding more bran leads to poor product tenacity and the amount of dry matter passing into cooking water increases. With moisture and kneading time increase the product tenacity improves, press productivity increases, and less of dry matter passes into cooking water. For the best quality the next parameters must be observed: bran dosage 20%, water temperature 60 ºC and kneading time must be 20 minutes.enmacaroni productswheat brandough makingmathematical modelsparameter optimizationмакаронні виробипшеничні висівкиприготування тістаматематична модельпараметри оптимізаціїмакаронные изделияпшеничные отрубиприготовление тестаматематическая модельпараметры оптимизациикафедра технології хлібопекарських і кондитерських виробівEffect of dough making parameters on the quality of pasta enriched with bran dietary fibersArticle